.. _amr:

Adaptive Mesh Refinement

There are two ways to control AMR in parthenon. First, built-in
refinemnt criteria can be activated at runtime via the input file.
Second, package developers can create a package-specific refinement
tagging function to allow for more tailored criteria of less generic

Enable AMR

To enable AMR, the following lines are required in the
``<parthenon/mesh>`` block of your input file.

.. code::

   refinement = adaptive    # enable adaptive mesh refinement
   numlevel = 5             # how many refined levels can parthenon produce


Parthenon includes the ability to tag cells for refinement/derefinement
based on predefined criteria that can be enabled at runtime in the input
file. Multiple criteria can be enabled simultaneously, in which case the
most refined criteria wins. If ``refinement=adaptive`` has been
specified as above, parthenon will initialize your AMR choices by
looking for blocks with names ``<parthenon/refinement#>`` where ``#`` is
a zero-based sequential indexing of Refinement criteria. An input file
might looks like

.. code::

   refinement = adaptive




In each refinement block, you are required to provide a ``method`` which
is a string that selects among the provided critera (listed below).
Additionally, you are required to provide a ``field`` which must be a
valid variable name in the application. Optionally, you can provide a
``refine_tol`` value (defaults to 0.5) indicating that a block should be
tagged for refinement if the criteria selected evaluates to a value
above this threshold anywhere on the block. Similarly, the
``derefine_tol`` value (default 0.05) determines when derefinement can
occur (all values of the criteria function must be less than this).
Finally, an integer ``max_level`` value can be specified that limits
refinement triggered by this criteria to no greater than this level. The
default is to allow each criteria to refine to ``numlevel``, which is
the global maximum number of refinement levels specified in the
``<parthenon/mesh>`` block.

Predefined Criteria

The predefined refinement criteria are calculated in terms of the user
selected variable :math:`q` as follows.

* ``derivative_order_1``: :math:`|\partial \ln q / \partial \ln x|`
* ``derivative_order_2``:
  :math:`\frac{\delta x^2}{4\|q\|} \left\| \frac{\partial^2 q}{\partial x^2} \right\| = \frac{ \| q_{i-1} - 2 q_{i} + q_{i+1} \| }{ 2\| q_{i} \| + \| q_{i-1} + q_{i+1} \| }` 
  Note that this quantity is bounded by :math:`[0,1]`.

Package-specific Criteria

As a package developer, you can define a tagging function that takes a
``Container`` as an argument and returns an integer in {-1,0,1} to
indicate the block should be derefined, left alone, or refined,
respectively. This function should be registered in a
``StateDescriptor`` object by assigning the ``CheckRefinement`` function
pointer to point at the packages function. An example is demonstrated
`here <https://github.com/parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon/blob/develop/example/calculate_pi/calculate_pi.cpp>`__.

Ensuring your data is consistent after re-meshing

When re-meshing happens, a few operations happen, which can be plugged
in to in various ways. The operations performed (in order) are: - The
function ``InitMeshBlockUserData`` is called. This function can be set
by setting it in the ``ApplicationInputs`` field of the problem

.. code:: c++

   void MyInitMeshBlockUserData(MeshBlock *pmb, ParameterInput *pin) {
     // Do something on a meshblock
   pman.app_input.InitMeshBlockUserData = MyInitMeshBlockUserData;
   // continue with initialization...

-  When the mesh is being generated at initialization, the problem
   generator is called after every re-meshing.
-  Prolongation, restriction, physical boundaries, and ghost zone
   communication are performed
-  The ``FillDerived`` functions set per-package and per-application are

If you have a function that you would like called every cycle, you may
wish to put it in ``FillDerived``. If you have a function you would like
performed only at re-meshing, you may wish to put it in

.. |formula| image:: https://render.githubusercontent.com/render/math?math=%7Cdlnq/dlnx%7C