``TypeList``s ============= Provides a wrapper class around a variadic pack of types to simplify performing compile time operations on the pack. There are templated types defined giving the type at a particular index in the pack, types for extracting sub-``TypeList``s of the original type list, and ``constexpr`` functions for getting the index of the first instance of a type in the pack. Additionally it provides a capability for iterating an ``auto`` lambda over the type list, which can be useful for calling a ``static`` function defined for each of the types on each of the types. *In the future, it would be nice to have the capability to make a unique type list from another type list (i.e. the unique one only a single instance of each type in the original type list)* ``TypeList``s have many applications and are commonly found in many codebases, but in Parthenon one of the main use cases is for storing lists of types associated with field variables that are used in type based ``SparsePack``s. Robust ====== Provides a number of functions for doing operations on floating point numbers that are bounded, avoid division by zero, etc. C++11 Style Concepts Implementation =================================== *This documentation needs to be written (see issue #695), but there are extensive comments in src/utlils/concepts_lite.hpp and examples of useage in tst/unit/test_concepts_lite.hpp* ``Indexer`` =========== Provides functionality for iterating over an arbitrary dimensional hyper-rectangular index space using a flattened loop. Specific instantiations, e.g. ``Indexer5D``, are provided up to eight dimensions. Useage: .. code:: cpp Indexer4D idxer({0, 3}, {1, 2}, {0, 5}, {10, 16}); for (int flat_idx = 0; flat_idx < idxer.size(); ++flat_idx) { auto [i, j, k, l] = idxer(flat_idx); // Do stuff in the 4D index space... }