.. _reductions:

Task-based reductions

Many codes require the ability to do global reductions. In a task-based
environment where each rank may be executing multiple tasks lists
operating on independent sub-domains, orchestrating these reductions
turns out to be nontrivial. Here, we document a Parthenon-ic way of
expressing a global reduction. The basic strategy follows:

1. Initialize a variable that will capture the *local* (just a given MPI
   rank’s value) reduced value.
2. Launch a task in each list which updates the *local* value. For
   example, if the reduction is a sum, each task will add its
   contribution to this shared variable. Since task launching is not
   threaded, there is no concern over race conditions.
3. Mark the task which accumulates the *local* reduction using the
   ``TaskRegion`` member function ``AddRegionalDependencies``. This will
   ensure that tasks that require a complete local reduction will not
   launch until that *local* value is available.
4. One task list on each rank launches a non-blocking reduction
5. All task lists launch a task which checks the status of the
   reduction, returning ``TaskStatus::complete`` once the value of the
   global reduction is set.

To facilitate this pattern, parthenon provides an ``AllReduce`` struct,
described below. Examples of the pattern above and the usage of
``AllReduce`` are provided
`here <https://github.com/parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon/blob/develop/example/poisson/poisson_driver.cpp>`__.


``AllReduce`` is a struct templated on the type of value that needs to
be reduced (e.g. ``int``, ``Real``, ``std::vector<Real>``, etc.). It
manages the storage in a member variable ``val`` which is of the type
provided as a template argument. ``val`` must be appropriately
initialized by the user. The functionality in ``AllReduce`` (described
above) is exposed through two member functions, ``StartReduce`` and
``CheckReduce``. ``StartReduce`` requires a single argument which is the
MPI reduction operator (e.g. ``MPI_SUM``, ``MPI_MAX``, etc.). Both of
these tasks are non-blocking (i.e. they call ``MPI_Iallreduce`` and


Same as ``AllReduce`` except ``MPI_Ireduce`` is called and the root rank
of the reduction must be provided in ``StartReduce``