.. _nested par for:

Nested Parallelism

The loop wrappers documented here abstracts a hierarchical parallelism
model, which allows more fine grain control on core level vs. thread and
vector level parallelism and allows explicitly defined caches for
tightly nested loops. These wrappers provide a simplified interface of
the `hierarchical parallelism in
Kokkos <https://kokkos.github.io/kokkos-core-wiki/ProgrammingGuide/HierarchicalParallelism.html>`__

For an example of the nested parallel wrappers in use, see `the unit
test <https://github.com/parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon/blob/develop/tst/unit/kokkos_abstraction.cpp>`__


``par_for_outer`` abstracts the team or multicore parallelism for outer
loops. Inside the loop body, in the lambda function provided to
``par_for_outer``, synchronization and memory sharing between the
threads in the single team is possible through the ``member_type`` team
member type from Kokkos.

The bytes of scratch memory for cache needed by a single team is
specified via the ``scratch_size_in_bytes``, which needs be computed
using ``ScratchPadXD::shmem_size``.

The argument ``scratch_level`` defines where the scratch memory should
be allocated. For CUDA GPUs, ``scratch_level=0`` allocates the cache in
the faster by smaller ``shared`` memory and ``scratch_level=1``
allocates the cache in the slower but larger ``global`` or on device RAM
memory. For CPUs, currently ``scratch_level`` makes no difference.

Note that every thread within a team will execute code inside a
``par_for_outer`` but outside of the ``par_for_inner``.


``par_for_inner`` abstracts the thread and vector level parallelism of
compute units within a single team or core. Work defined through a
``par_for_inner`` will be distributed between individual threads and
vector lanes within the team.


Data type for memory in scratch pad/cache memory. Use
``ScratchPadXD::shmem_size``, which is documented in `the Kokkos
documentation <https://kokkos.github.io/kokkos-core-wiki/ProgrammingGuide/HierarchicalParallelism.html?highlight=hierarchical>`__
for determining scratch pad memory needs before kernel launch.

Important usage hints

In order to ensure that individual threads of a team are synchronized
always call ``team_member.team_barrier();`` after an ``par_for_inner``
if the following execution depends on the results of the
``par_for_inner``. This pertains, for example, to filling a
``ScratchPadXD`` array in one ``par_inner_for`` and using the scratch
array in the next one, see `the unit
test <https://github.com/parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon/blob/develop/tst/unit/kokkos_abstraction.cpp>`__ for sample usage.

In addition, the entry to a ``par_for_inner`` does **not** imply a
barrier and not all threads of a team may even enter an inner parallel
region (e.g., if there is not enough work – read indices – for all team
members). This can lead to unintended side-effects when all team member
write to common variables, see this
`code <https://github.com/parthenon-hpc-lab/parthenon/issues/659#issuecomment-1346871509>`__
for an example.

Cmake Options

``PAR_LOOP_INNER_LAYOUT`` controls how the inner loop is implemented.

``TeamVectorRange``, which merges ``TeamThreadRange`` and
``ThreadVectorRange`` into one loop, to distribute work between threads.
``PAR_LOOP_INNER_LAYOUT=TVR_INNER_LOOP`` is the only option supported
for CUDA since the Kokkos loops are required for parallelization on

``PAR_LOOP_INNER_LAYOUT=SIMDFOR_INNER_LOOP`` uses a ``for`` loop with a
``#pragma omp simd`` to vectorize the loop, which typically gives better
vectorization loops than ``PAR_LOOP_INNER_LAYOUT=TVR_INNER_LOOP`` on
CPUs and so is the default on CPUs.