
The mesh object represents the mesh on a given processor/MPI rank. There is one mesh per processor. The Mesh object owns all MeshBlocks on a given processor.

Looping over MeshBlocks

MeshBlocks are stored in a variable Mesh::block_list, which is an object of type

using BlockList_t = std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MeshBlock>>;

and so to get the predicted time step for each mesh block, you can call:

for (auto &pmb : pmesh->block_list) {
    std::cout << pmb->NewDt() << std::endl;

where pmesh is a pointer to a Mesh object. This paradigm may appear, for example, in an application driver.

Mesh Functions Controlling Evolulution and Diagnostics

Some mesh functions are stored as std::function members and are called by the EvolutionDriver. They may be overridden by the application by reassigning the default values of the std::function member.

  • PreStepUserWorkInLoop(Mesh*, ParameterInput*, SimTime const&) is called to perform mesh-wide work before the time-integration advance (the default is a no-op)

  • PostStepUserWorkInLoop(Mesh*, ParameterInput*, SimTime const&) is called to perform mesh-wide work after the time-integration advance (the default is a no-op)

  • PreStepUserDiagnosticsInLoop(Mesh*, ParameterInput*, SimTime const&) is called to perform diagnostic calculations and/or edits before the time-integration advance. The default behavior calls to each package’s (StateDesrcriptor’s) PreStepDiagnostics method which, in turn, delegates to a std::function member that defaults to a no-op.

  • PostStepUserDiagnosticsInLoop(Mesh*, ParameterInput*, SimTime const&) is called to perform diagnostic calculations and/or edits after the time-integration advance. The default behavior calls to each package’s (StateDesrcriptor’s) PreStepDiagnostics method which, in turn, delegates to a std::function member that defaults to a no-op.