
Parthenon’s tasking infrastructure is how downstream applications describe and execute their work. Tasks are organized into a hierarchy of objects. TaskCollections have one or more TaskRegions, TaskRegions have one or more TaskLists, and TaskLists can have one or more sublists (that are themselves TaskLists).


Though downstream codes never have to interact with the Task object directly, it’s useful to describe nonetheless. A Task object is essentially a functor that stores the necessary data to invoke a downstream code’s functions with the desired arguments. Importantly, however, it also stores information that relates itself to other tasks, namely the tasks that must be complete before it should execute and the tasks that may be available to run after it completes. In other words, Tasks are nodes in a directed (possibly cyclic) graph, and include the edges that connect to it and emerge from it.


The TaskList class stores a vector of all the tasks and sublists (a nested TaskList) added to it. Additionally, it stores various bookkeeping information that facilitate more advanced features described below. Adding tasks and sublists are the only way to interact with TaskList objects.

The basic call to AddTask takes the task’s dependencies, the function to be executed, and the arguments to the function as its arguments. AddTask returns a TaskID object that can be used in subsequent calls to AddTask as a dependency either on its own or combined with other TaskID``s via the ``| operator. Use of the | operator is historical and perhaps a bit misleading as it really acts as a logical and – that is, all tasks combined with | must be complete before the dependencies are satisfied. An overload of AddTask takes a TaskQualifier object as the first argument which specifies certain special, non-default behaviors. These will be described below. Note that the default constructor of TaskID produces a special object that when passed into AddTask signifies that the task has no dependencies.

The AddSublist function adds a nested TaskList to the TaskList on which its called. The principle use case for this is to add iterative cycles to the graph, allowing one to execute a series of tasks repeatedly until some criteria are satisfied. The call takes as arguments the dependencies (via TaskID``s combined with ``|) that must be complete before the sublist exectues and a std::pair<int, int> specifying the minimum and maximum number of times the sublist should execute. Passing something like {min_iters, max_iters} as the second argument should suffice, with {1, 1} leading to a sublist that never cycles. AddSublist returns a std::pair<TaskList&, TaskID> which is conveniently accessed via a structured binding, e.g.

TaskID none;
auto [child_list, child_list_id] = parent_list.AddSublist(dependencies, {1,3});
auto task_id = child_list.AddTask(none, SomeFunction, arg1, arg2);

In the above example, passing none as the dependency for the task added to child_list does not imply that this task can execute at any time since child_list itself has dependencies that must be satisfied before any of its tasks can be invoked.


Under the hood, a TaskRegion is a directed, possibly cyclic graph. The graph is built up incrementally as tasks are added to the TaskLists within the TaskRegion, and it’s construction is completed upon the first time it’s executed. TaskRegions can have one or more TaskLists. The primary reason for this is to allow flexibility in how work is broken up into tasks (and eventually kernels). A region with many lists will produce many small tasks/kernels, but may expose more asynchrony (e.g. MPI communication). A region with fewer lists will produce more work per kernel (which may be good for GPUs, for example), but may limit asynchrony. Typically, each list is tied to a unique partition of the mesh blocks owned by a rank. TaskRegion only provides a few public facing functions: - TaskListStatus Execute(ThreadPool &pool): TaskRegions can be executed, requiring a ThreadPool be provided by the caller. In practice, Execute is usually called from the Execute member function of TaskCollection. - TaskList& operator[](const int i): return a reference to the ith TaskList in the region. - size_t size(): return the number of TaskLists in the region.


A TaskCollection contains a std::vector<TaskRegion>, i.e. an ordered list of TaskRegions. Importantly, each TaskRegion will be executed to completion before subsequent TaskRegions, introducing a notion of sequential execution and enabling flexibility in task granularity. For example, the following code fragment uses the TaskCollection and TaskRegion abstractions to express work that can be done asynchronously across blocks, followed by a bulk synchronous task involving all blocks, and finally another round of asynchronous work.

TaskCollection tc;
TaskRegion &tr1 = tc.AddRegion(nmb);
for (int i = 0; i < nmb; i++) {
  auto task_id = tr1[i].AddTask(dep, foo, args, blocks[i]);

  TaskRegion &tr2 = tc.AddRegion(1);
  auto sync_task = tr2[0].AddTask(dep, bar, args, blocks);

TaskRegion &tr3 = tc.AddRegion(nmb);
for (int i = 0; i < nmb; i++) {
  auto task_id = tr3[i].AddTask(dep, foo, args, blocks[i]);

A diagram illustrating the relationship between these different classes is shown below.

Task Diagram

TaskCollection provides a few public-facing functions: - TaskRegion& AddRegion(const int num_lists): Add and return a reference to a new TaskRegion with the specified number of TaskList``s. - ``TaskListStatus Execute(ThreadPool &pool): Execute all regions in the collection. Regions are executed completely, in the order they were added, before moving on to the next region. Task execution will take advantage of the provided ThreadPool to (possibly) execute tasks across TaskList``s in each region concurrently. - ``TaskListStatus Execute(): Same as above, but execution will use an internally generated ThreadPool with a single thread.

NOTE: Work remains to make the rest of Parthenon thread-safe, so it is currently required to use a ThreadPool with one thread.


TaskQualifier s provide a mechanism for downstream codes to alter the default behavior of specific tasks in certain ways. The qualifiers are described below: - TaskQualifier::local_sync : Tasks marked with local_sync synchronize across lists in a region on a given MPI rank. Tasks that depend on a local_sync marked task gain dependencies from the corresponding task on all lists within a region. A typical use for this qualifier is to do a rank-local reduction, for example before initiating a global MPI reduction (which should be done only once per rank, not once per TaskList). Note that Parthenon links tasks across lists in the order they are added to each list, i.e. the n``th ``local_sync task in a list is assumed to be associated with the n``th ``local_sync task in all lists in the region. - TaskQualifier::global_sync : Tasks marked with global_sync implicitly have the same semantics as local_sync, but additionally do a global reduction on the TaskStatus to determine if/when execution can proceed on to dependent tasks. - TaskQualifier::completion : Tasks marked with completion can lead to exiting execution of the owning TaskList. If these tasks return TaskStatus::complete and the minimum number of iterations of the list have been completed, the remainder of the task list will be skipped (or the iteration stopped). Returning TaskList::iterate leads to continued execution/iteration, unless the maximum number of iterations has been reached. - TaskQualifier::once_per_region : Tasks with the once_per_region qualifier will only execute once (per iteration, if relevant) regardless of the number of TaskList``s in the region.  This can be useful when, for example, doing MPI reductions, printing out some rank-wide state, or calling a ``completion task that depends on some global condition where all lists would evaluate identical code.

TaskQualifier s can be combined via the | operator and all combinations are supported. For example, you might mark a task global_sync | completion | once_per_region if it were a task to determine whether an iteration should continue that depended on some previously reduced quantity.